What in the World?
Revelation and the End
So where does all this go? The better questions might be, "Where does all this end?" Well, that is just the point. It ends at the end. That is, at the conclusion of human history as we know it.
Maybe the simplest way to view the history of the world and humanity is to consider the Bible's number of perfection ‒ the number 7. The Bible's presentation appears to indicate that there will be 6,000 years of world rule under human guidance and governance. That will be followed by 1,000 years of governance by the God-man, Jesus Christ. The amount of information provided in the Bible about this period of world-wide divine governance is extensive ‒ truly extensive. Here is a link with some short videos that summarizes succinctly Christ's return.
People recognize something is comingGenerally speaking, many peoples of the world understand something appears to be coming in the near future. Many cannot explain exactly what is taking place or where events seem to be taking us. Many do not have a biblical understanding of what is transpiring across the globe ‒ many do not have a biblical perspective of what the near future holds ‒ but many understand the future does not portend well. They are correct. Rather than a utopian society being established through human governance, the world is clearly headed in a direction of trouble. That trouble is the close of the age.
Thomas Horn provides a statement which certainly applies to our time as he writes, "Knowledge has most definitely increased...Yet, with all these "improvements," mankind has never been farther from God" (Beast Tech, p. 147). How correct he is. And how correct the future will prove to lead people away from the truth about God and about what is transpiring in our world around us. The only remedy for our societal direction is the proclamation of the truth of God in Christ Jesus.
Unfortunately, it seems that people are growing more and more distant from believing what the Bible proclaims about the future ‒ even as the biblically declared scenario develops before our very eyes. It is akin to people driving by a house being constructed and calling it a ship, or passing a shipyard and seeing the construction of a ship and believing it is a house. Mark Hitchcock encapsulates the situation confronting us with a single sentence that we should genuinely consider: "As we gaze at the horizon of our world today, storm clouds are gathering and darkening" (Global Reset, p. 133).
To help people understand what the Bible says on this matter, here are some biblically sound teachers that will help you understand the Tribulation period and the events that will take place as the Bible's declarations continue to unfold.
Recommended books
Corrupting the Image 3: Singularity, Superhumans, and the Second Coming of Jesus, by Dr. Douglas Hamp
The End: Everything You'll Want to Know about the Apocalypse, by Mark Hitchcock
Recommended videos
There are many good teachers that can be found on Youtube. These are just two of the very qualified teachers on this subject. I am providing only two for brevity and because it is difficult to find better information than what they offer.
John Barnett (DTBM Ministries)
Barnett is one of the most biblically sound and prolific Bible teachers today.A good video dealing with what we have been discussing can be found here.
All John Barnett videos can be found here.
Chuck Missler (Koinonia House)
Missler was one of the most qualified and sought after teachers on this topic. I would recommend listening to his 24-part series on the book of Revelation. If you take the time to do this you will have a clear understanding of the Bible's teaching on the book of Revelation and the end-times. I have provided links to the first five videos of the series. The others are easy to locate.
Lessons: one two three four five
Thank you for taking the time to read through this vital information.
It is my most sincere hope and prayer that something written here may spark further interest in you to look into the Bible's declarations about the world in which we live and the future events that appear to be on the near horizon.
If you have a question or would like any assistance, I am happy to help. You can locate my contact information in the CONTACT link.