What in the World?

How the Reset is being Implemented? (part 2)

The Great Reset has another three basic implementation requirements.

4. Utilize Technological advancements that make the infrastructure of the great Reset possible.

When I was I child I had the strange notion that airplanes without propellers somehow flew without engines. Of course I knew that was not possible but I could not figure out the solution to my misunderstanding. Naturally, as I grew and my thinking became more mature, I understood the basics of a jet engine—a propellerless jet engine.

The Great Reset also has an engine—one that we do not fully appreciate—and it is the engine of technology. The reason that I told the story of my views about airplanes as a child, is because it is possible for people to know that technology is the key for the Great Reset, but take technology for granted to the point that the technological marvels that provide the infrastructure for the Reset, is almost not even noticed.

In fact, so ubiquitous is technology throughout our modern world, that technology seems as if it has always existed. The children born today who will be the most active part of the Great Rest, do not know a world without such advanced technology—and thus, possibly not realize a world existed prior to the Reset. Combined with the proliferation of technology is our short-sighted understanding of the extent and power and capabilities of current technology.

I am going to stop at this point because we are going to talk about technology and the implications it will have for our world and what is coming in the not-too-distant—future in greater detail.

Suffice it to say that technology is the engine that will power the great Reset and technology will make possible for the grand plan of the Reset to be achieved.

5. Make use of powerful corporate entities to influence the consumer market place and change societal norms.

The proponents of the Great Reset are requiring corporations to join and comply with the global goals of Agenda 2030. How can they do such a thing? After all, a privately owned corporation can do as they please seeing the company belongs to them. To understand the basics of how this is occurring, Glen Beck states, “It is also important to remember that Schwab, who is really just one of many important Great Reset advocates, is especially interested in something called a “stakeholder economy,” a concept that is vital for understanding the full weight of the Great Reset” (The Great Reset, p. 157).

What exactly is a stakeholder economy? Beck explains and writes (emphasis added),

The new system Schwab is referring to is a total reworking of the way people think about businesses and how to evaluate them. Rather than focus on profits, private rights, supply, and demand from consumers—the cornerstones of free market economies—Schwab wants to develop a system based largely on “environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics” (ibid., p. 158).

This ESG metrics system will force companies and corporations to comply due to the evaluation system put into place, the negative publicity and stigma associated with working against the system put into place, and the possibility of loss revenue. Again, Beck writes, "The real reason there are so many corporate and financial industry interests lining up to promote the Great reset is because of money and power—the true driving force behind the Great Reset” (ibid., p. 163).

Here is a video questioning the ESG metrics in greater degree.

Corporations are also utilized to change public thinking and societal norms. They do this because in reality these large corporations own the mass media systems that all of America watches daily. Where there is mass media there is greater leverage for influencing how people think. This is why there are companies such as Disney advocating for media that children should not be exposed to and the resulting battles in Florida (view here). This is the reason that Taco Bell has drag queen shows during lunch at some of their restaurants (view here). And the list goes on and on. In short, these corporations are contributing heavily to the transformation of societal norms.

Corporations are also utilized to control and change the business world. Watch this video of just one company (Blackrock) and the influence this company has on the global business and financial industry. This is just one company and its influence. There are many such companies bringing their economic power to bear on the changing world as it heads towards the Great Reset.

6. Escalate Crises as an impetus for change and unity.

How do you unit people together? By giving to people a cause to rally around. What is required is crises sufficiently dire that people are willing to give their acquiescence. The WEF website provides the impetus needed, saying (emphasis added),

There are many reasons to pursue a Great Reset, but the most urgent is COVID-19...COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable. To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.

Left unaddressed, these crises, together with COVID-19, will deepen and leave the world even less sustainable, less equal, and more fragile. Incremental measures and ad hoc fixes will not suffice to prevent this scenario. We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems. (taken from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/now-is-the-time-for-a-great-reset/).

This is a well-known tactic by politicians as a mechanism to persuade the public into compliance with political objectives. Those advocating for the Reset are simply following that playbook and reiterating the basic argument through the national media systems with the assistance of global corporation assistance.

Another crisis used is that of global warming. Though there is a great deal to understand about this matter (and I implore you to read further on this matter). I will keep my comments very brief.

First, there is a difference between global pollution and climate change. Many conflate the two. The advocates of the Great Reset say that climate change is an imminent threat to the world and that immediate and sweeping changes must be accomplished through the Great Reset.

Many scientists disagree with claims about the emergency of global warming. Recently 1100 scientists from around the world signed a letter in an effort to publicly disagree with the crisis rhetoric and inform the world that there is no imminent threat concerning climate change. The letter can be found here.

A short article on the letter can be found here.

And how is this crisis developed and used as a mechanism to unit the world under a single governing body? Beck explains, and writes,

...because of the great influence that elites have over the mainstream press, these facts [counterpoints to the climate change rhetoric] are lost on most of the American public, which is routinely battered with dire and disturbing reports about famine, fires, and storms that are allegedly linked to climate change. Fueled by shoddy, ideologically motivated reporting and propaganda, tens of millions of Americans now think climate change poses a grave danger to human civilization and all life on earth” (The Great Reset, p. 75).

The very existence of the great Reset proves how important climate change has become to global elites. Sure, far-reaching, deadly pandemics are useful, and yes, the coronavirus has created that “golden opportunity” many have been waiting for to justify a “reset” of capitalism. But in the end, nothing can match the opportunity presented by the claim that there is a looming, nearly unstoppable threat to all life on earth, posed by global warming—an argument Great Reset supporters have made repeatedly since the movement began (The Great Reset, p. 105).

Briefly stated, these and other crises are used as a mechanism to unifying the world’s people and lead them into the Great Reset.

And if the Great Reset is coming, how will it affect us? Let’s continue on in our discussion.

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